Friday, January 6, 2017

Adventure Time! Sunset Pillbox Hike

S/O to all 16 of you that looked at the last post! It was great content, but whatever. Fame comes slowly for unlucky people like myself.

So today I'm gonna talk about one of the more popular hikes in Hawaii. I'm actually not 100% sure the actual name of the hike, but what we call it is something along the lines of Sunset Pillbox. (There's like 1000 pillbox hikes I swear and I'm not much of a hiker so this is just what it is.) So to get there you need to go to Oahu's North Shore and drive to Sunset Beach Elementary and park in the little designated area. As soon as you park, you'll see a little trail head and that's where you need to head.

Now, as you guys begin to read up and follow this little blog, you'll realise that I don't exactly do things the safest way or at the safest times (I'm referring to almost dying in Waimanalo.) So let me give you some heads up.
1) I suggest going on this hike when it's dry. It absolutely sucks when it's wet. I have little videos saved on my phone where I am literally sliding down the mountain. Either on my feet or on my butt. Either way. Slippery. Muddy. It's hard. I fell a bunch of times going up, Ruined my favorite pair of swimsuit bottoms (the same ones I ripped in my lost post) and pretty sure I pulled my shoulder that day. But fun fact, the ocean has healing properties I swear.
2) THERE ARE MOSQUITOES AND THEY WERE SENT FROM HELL. WEAR REPELLENT. They don't look like mosquitoes, you'll think they're gnats, but they'll bite you and it will itch for the rest of your life. (Not really but they do itch. And Hawaii's hot and humid so it'll just double the misery. Unless you're one of those rich people that can afford an air-con.)
3) You'll want water and a camera for this hike. You might get tired because it's pretty straight up, it's easy, but not like a stroll in the park. The only reason I got so tired was because I was focusing my time on not falling and dying.

Alright so now the actual hike. If you're a natural born hiker, you'll get up there in like 30 minutes. (approx.) When my cousin and I did all of our adventures, we did them without any type of planning ahead. The only thing we planned for before was going to the beach after, getting the best acai bowls in the world (SHOUT OUT TO BANZAI BOWL at SUNSET, NORTH SHORE, OAHU. They're located next to the chevron and they have the best acai bowls on the whole island.), and me bringing my 64oz water bottle (which is MIA at the moment. I love water. Water is the essence of wetness,) Anyways, all we took up were our phones and her GoPro. We didn't even take shoes. (It's like a normal thing. We get weird looks a lot. Especially me.)

So the hike is (which according to google, cos I just googled it, is called the Ehukai Pillbox. I'd translate that, but I don't speak Hawaiian.) hard to get lost on. There are some "stairs" made out of tree roots that you can see clearly define the way up. You start off with nothing but nature for 1/3 or the hike, then about maybe 10 minutes in, you get to the actual "stairs." Now these stairs are just some good Samaritans project. There are ropes that go up for about 1/3 of the way as well as the stairs which are just pieces of plywood that help prevent you from slipping (they help a lot trust me.) So you pull yourself up and then you see a clearing! There's a little table and the view is pretty sick, but did you make it? Nope. 10 more minutes to go. So now the ground is dry and there are dead pine needles all of the ground making it easier to walk, and then you go through and there are some more steps, and then you make it!!! There's the pillbox.

To be honest, I don't remember much on the way up except that the whole time I was wondering if we were there yet, if I was gonna die from the mosquito bites, or if I was gonna slip and fall off the mountain (which technically wasn't possible because the trail is in the middle of all the trees.) But I do remember the top. Looking at the mountain, it looks like you're in a forest, there are heaps of pine trees (I'm assuming) and there's a little hut thingy that looks like scrap metal. There's also a garbage bag (respect the aina irraz) so you know. Keep my people's land clean. But once you stand on the pillbox and look over the view is so amazing and relaxing! To be honest, I'm not really feeling this post so I'm gonna end it here. Enjoy these photos of us on the pillbox.

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